Testing MathJax with Ghost Markdown

I'm planning a couple of posts that will require writing equations. As the title suggests I'm using MathJax [https://www.mathjax.org/] to render equations into HTML. Final code injection in Ghost > Code Injection > Head Helpful Po…

Walking on nucleotides

ARAGÓN ARTACHO, Francisco J., et al.[1] presents new ways to visualize large mathematical datasets. In particular, the paper goes into determining if a real number is "Normal" through visualizations. ”A real constant α is b-normal if, given the positive integer b ≥ 2, every m-long string of base-b digits appears…

Perfect Posture: InMobi Hack Day, Summer 2015

Worked as part of team perfect posture at Inmobi Hack Day, Summer 2015 [http://technology.inmobi.com/events/hackdaysummer2015]. Idea was to develop an a chrome extension that with the help of sensors detect if the user was sitting in an awkward posture in the least intrusive way possible. Due…

Chat Heads Clone

Developed a clone of the UI/UX of the Facebook chat heads on Android as part of the interview process at InMobi. The app basically shows a chat head which can be moved around and closed in a fashion similar to that of the Facebook Messenger App. In addition, the…

BioBranch: Explore Biological Data with Decision Trees

I worked on BioBranch during my undergraduate thesis project at SuLab [http://sulab.org/]. Branch can be used by biologists to build decision trees to visualize data and test hypotheses on large biological datasets. The project contains many aspects of data visualization to make the construction of trees as intuitive…

Biased vs Unbiased Dice in Board Games

A simple simulation of a board game was used to determine if there would be any significant effect of a biased dice in a board game such as monopoly where the player ends up going around a board multiple times during one game. The resulting spots on the board were…

2nd Network of BioThings Hackathon

Worked on integrating mygene.info [http://mygene.info/] data into the web client for CIViC: Clinical Interpretations of Variants in Cancer at the 2nd Network of Biothings Hackathon [https://github.com/Network-of-BioThings/nob-hq/wiki/2nd-Network-of-BioThings-Hackathon] held at UCSD. CiViC Live [https://civic.genome.wustl.edu] and Code Repository [https://github.…

NoIR Photography of a Plant

I used a Raspberry Pi [https://www.raspberrypi.org/] along with a NoIR camera module [https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/pi-noir-camera/] to take photos of a plant with intervals of 10 minutes to assess the rate of photosynthesis. The images taken were falsely colored using Infragram's tool [http://www.infragram.…